On Saturday, September 21st, at Pasadena City College Dr. Steve Gibson, Trustee at Pasadena City College and WELL UnTapped Fellowship Graduate, Class of 2024, co-hosted a WELL Legislative Water Workshop with Assemblymember Chris Holden, District 41. Panel presentations featured Stacie Takeguchi, Chief Assistant General Manager of Pasadena Water and Power; Cynthia Kurtz, Interim Executive Director at One Arroyo; Tom Love, General Manager of Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District; Tim Brick, Former Chairman of The Metropolitan Water Board and Christy Zambani, Executive Director, Day One. Senator María Elena Durazo, District 16, also presented on the Human Rights to Water. Participants were divided into groups to discuss the challenges they encounter regarding access to safe and clean water in their communities.
Participants engaged in discussions on local water resource challenges, water management, regional sustainability efforts, and the Human Rights to Water. The workshop ended with WELL’s tradition to create a moment of unity by singing the song De Colores.
These workshops signify the completion of the UnTapped Fellowship for the Graduates and workshops mark the continued dedication of WELL UnTapped Graduates to to sharing their water education with other local elected officials to promote timely and equitable changes that bring sustainable water strategies for all Californians. Once fellows graduate from UnTapped, they are inducted into the WELL UnTapped Network (WUN), where members of WUN will engage in activities that allow them to continue learning about California water issues as they take part in planning and leading WELL educational and training programs.