On June 17, 2023, graduates of WELL’s UnTapped Fellowship Program, Councilmembers Dr. Heber Márquez (City of Maywood), Kevin Lainez (City of Commerce), Brenda Olmos (City of Paramount), and Ana María Quintana (City of Bell) hosted an important discussion with local elected officials and water industry experts about water issues impacting the region.
Speakers included Esther Valle Rojas, Water Replenishment District (WRD), and Director Juan Garza, Central Basin Municipal Water District. They presented an overview of the water resources and usage in the region as well as the future of water in California. This discussion gave the 50 local elected officials in attendance the opportunity to learn more about where their water resources come from and how they can work collectively to ensure affordable water for their communities.
UnTapped Fellowship water workshops are organized by graduates of the UnTapped Fellowship Program and provide an opportunity for WELLos to showcase both their leadership skills and recently obtained water knowledge. The workshops bring together various local elected officials to learn about regional water challenges in order to find solutions to these dilemmas.