Growing Water Smart
Helping leaders integrate water and land use planning to further the sustainability and resilience of their community.

WELL is partnering with the Sonoran Institute and the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy to bring the Growing Water Smart program to California. This collaboration brings together the expertise and resources of leading organizations in the water conservation and education fields to aid California local government leaders in creating a comprehensive water management program addressing water resource challenges in their communities. The program, which has carried out nearly 20 workshops in Colorado River Basin states, provides insights into critical gaps in land use planning and policy efforts as participants assess community data, trends, and existing policies to identify strategies for becoming water resilient. This leads to the development of smart projects that local governments and water providers can use to further their goals. Graduates of the WELL UnTapped Fellowship Program have served as facilitators.
Educate 2 Lead: Session 1
The Educate 2 Lead (E2L) Program officially launched this weekend with its inaugural cohort at the Aquarium of the Pacific
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A short introduction to the workshop instructors and why their background should inspire potential student’s confidence.