On Saturday, September 24, 2022, UnTapped graduate class of 2022, Vice President Cheryl Sudduth, West County Wastewater District, and Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, District 15 hosted a discussion with other local elected officials and water industry experts about water issues impacting the region.
Speakers included Gokce Sencan, Research Associate, Public Policy Institute of California; Laura Feinstein, Sustainability and Resilience Policy Director, San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR); Peter S. Fiske, Executive Director of NAWI and the Director of the Water-Energy Resilience Research Institute (WERRI) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Dr. Kenneth Chris Hurst, Superintendent, West Contra Costa Unified School District; Nichole Morgan, Boardmember, California State Water Resources Control Board; John Gioia, Supervisor, Contra Costa County; Doria Robinson, Executive Director, Urban Tilth; Cesar Zepeda, Chair, West Contra County Sierra Club Group; Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, District 11; Dorene D’Adamo, Vice Chair, State Water Resources Control Board; Cheryl Sudduth, Vice President, West County Wastewater District and UnTapped graduate class of 2022; and Lesa McIntosh, Director, East Bay Municipal Utilities District. Topics discussed included the value of water, the human right to water, regional water issues, and current drought conditions and management strategies.
The workshop was sponsored by East Bay Municipal Utilities District, ENGIE, West County Wastewater District, West Contra Costa Unified School District, and WELL
This workshop is the culmination of the 6-months Vice President Sudduth spent in the UnTapped Fellowship program. As a graduate of the WELL Untapped Fellowship, she is asked to share the knowledge and relationships she has gained with other local elected officials and community leaders in her region.