About Us
Our Mission

WELL 10 Year Report
This report details our accomplishments from 2012 to 2023. As a statewide nonprofit organization that has trained more than 1,600 local elected officials since 2012, WELL seeks to create a “bench” of elected officials composed of women, Latinos, and other people of color who are ready to take the helm and lead California toward sustainable water policies.
Our History
What Has WELL Accomplished?

Twelve statewide conferences with a diverse group of participants from across the state of California.

Led in the development of the Water Solution Network, a program that brings together a broad spectrum of California water professionals to enhance leadership skills.

WELL’s Constituency: Filling a Gap
To prepare the next generation of California’s water policy leaders, WELL involves the people who represent 40 percent of California’s population but less than 2 percent of elected water officials—the Latino community.
Latinos are woefully underrepresented in California’s water policy-making circles. WELL’s goal is to be inclusive and create a “bench” of Latino elected officials who are ready to take the helm and lead California toward sustainable water policies, leading toward a brighter, more equitable future for all Californians. As such, WELL’s programs do not require that participants be Latino. If you represent a Latino community, you can be a Latino leader.
There are significant challenges for California on the horizon. These include ensuring the Human Right to Water and managing limited water resources that have been impacted by climate change. WELL believes that Californians can rise to the occasion through education, engagement, and action. WELL is committed to developing local elected leaders who are or will be stewards of the state’s water policies. It is important to prepare them now.
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A short introduction to the workshop instructors and why their background should inspire potential student’s confidence.