(323) 349-0661 info@latinosforwater.org

November 2019 Newsletter


WELL 2020 Annual Conference 2020 Registration Is Open!

WELL is convening its unique state-wide educational water conference for local elected officials throughout California on March 20-21, 2020, at the San Jose Marriott, 301 S Market St, San Jose, CA 95113. This is WELL’s eighth annual conference, and it is set to be better than ever before! WELL knows that local elected officials make important decisions that ensure clean, safe, and affordable drinking water for all, protect our natural resources, and bolster our local economies. The goal of the WELL 2020 Annual Conference is to provide elected officials with a better understanding of important water issues in order to maximize the positive impact they have in their communities. What local elected officials learn from this conference will help them work toward developing comprehensive, long-term water policies. We invite you to participate in this educational  opportunity!

Each year, WELL aligns its Annual Conference with the United Nations’ World Water Day, scheduled for March 22, 2020. WELL is proud to support the UN’s World Water Day campaign for 2020, “Water and Climate Change.” That is why  the WELL 2020 Annual Conference theme is “Climate Change and Political Climate Impacting California Water.”

Please fill out this form to register. Once you register, please contact Brianne Logasa, WELL Program Manager, at (323) 349-0661 to pay the registration fee and learn about payment options and hotel accommodations. Your conference attendance will be guaranteed once you pay the registration fee. 

Registration fee for elected officials: $325

Registration fee for non-elected participants: $525

Limited partial scholarships are available for city council members, mayors, county supervisors, and school board members. Discounted lodging rates are available for elected water board officials and others.

For questions or assistance, please contact Brianne Logasa at (323) 349-0661 or by email at brianne@latinosforwater.org.

Link to register for the WELL 2020 Annual Conference: http://bit.ly/2020WELLConference

 WELL Network Spotlight: City of Avenal Councilmember Alvaro Preciado

U.S. Representative TJ Cox of California’s 21st District recently hosted the Latino Inspire Awards. The awards program was created to recognize members of the Latino community who have made meaningful contributions to the Central Valley and the 21st District. WELLo Alvaro Preciado was nominated and selected for this prestigious award. His dedication to his constituents in Avenal, work in wastewater treatment in the Fresno area, and open-to-all community garden, demonstrates to everyone that Councilmember Preciado is an inspiring Latino leader. Congratulations, Councilmember!

 Groundwater and Stormwater Discussions at the AD-63 Legislative Water Workshop!

On Thursday, November 7, the WELL team went to South Gate, California, to co-host the  Legislative Water Workshop along with State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (AD-63), former WELLos Belen Bernal (City of South Gate Mayor) and Denise Diaz (City of South Gate Vice Mayor), and the Water Replenishment District.

The workshop brought together more than 40 leaders from across the region to discuss water issues affecting Southeast Los Angeles. Robb Whitaker, General Manager of the Water Replenishment District, discussed the state of water in the region, focusing on groundwater supplies. Keith Lilley, Water Resources Deputy Director at the Los Angeles County Public works gave everyone the ins and outs of Measure W—funding allocation, roll-out, and other policy logistics. Lastly, Irma Muñoz, founder of Las Mujeres de la Tierra and board member of the Los Angeles County Regional Water Quality Control Board, spoke passionately about the need for local elected officials to get involved with water policy and decision making. 

WELL is grateful to these water experts for sharing their knowledge with local leaders, as well as to the event’s moderator, Marybeth Vegara, Program Analyst, from the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy. We would also like to thank those who attended for their engagement in and their passion about their community’s water resources. For those who were not able to attend but want to know what was discussed, we live-streamed the entire event to WELL’s Facebook page. Check out some pictures from the workshop below!

 Special thanks to the Water Replenishment District!

WELL would like to give special thanks to the Water Replenishment District for sponsoring the Legislative Water Workshop on November 7, 2019. Their generosity is what made the event successful, and we appreciate their support of WELL and its programs. We look forward to working with the Water Replenishment District again in the future!

 Upcoming Legislative Workshops in Your Region!

Wish you had been able to attend the Legislative Water Workshop? No worries; there are other legislative water workshops in the works! These workshops are strategic opportunities for elected leaders to participate in focused discussions in their district about water issues impacting the region. Upcoming regional workshops will be held in Calistoga, Pico Rivera, and Avenal. See below for more information. 

Intern Highlight: Sarahi Gonzalez

Meet Sarahi Gonzalez, who started this month as WELL’s new Programs & Research Intern. Sarahi is a native Angeleno and full-time student at California State University, Northridge, where she studies geography and environmental studies. She is interested in water resources and educating underserved communities on environmental issues. 

We welcome Sarahi to WELL and are excited to see her translate her passion into great work for Latino leaders across the state!

 Follow WELL on social media!

Follow WELL on social media to get current California water news and updates about WELL programs and events:

 Water Education for Latino Leaders




Water Education for Latino Leaders (WELL) educates local Latino elected officials on California water policies to promote timely and equitable actions that strive to develop a robust economy, healthy communities, and a resilient environment for all Californians. Visit our website: www.latinosforwater.org.