(323) 349-0661 info@latinosforwater.org

Meet Our Advisory Council

Anecita Agustinez

Anecita Agustinez

Tribal Policy Advisor, Department of Water Resources

Read more about Anecita

Anecita is an enrolled citizen of the Dine (Navajo) Nation. She isborn to the Tó dích’íinii (Bitter Water Clan) and born for theIlocano Clan. An alumnus of Stanford University, her area ofexpertise is in water policy and legislative advocacy on behalf ofTribal governments in California. She was appointed TribalPolicy Advisor for the Department of Water Resources in 2013.She provides policy support and recommendations and policydirection in the areas of policy implementation concerning theenvironment, regional water planning, flood management,climate change, energy issues, drought, ecosystem restoration,sustainable groundwater management, water bond grantfunding, and disadvantaged community engagement. Shecoordinates communication outreach with other state agenciesand facilitates and conducts Tribal Consultation and Tribalengagement.She previously served as the Native American Liaison in theOffice of Legislative and External Affairs at the Department ofHealth Care Services (2011-2012). She was the AssistantDirector at the Office of Native American Affairs at the CaliforniaDepartment of Justice (DOJ) in the Office of the AttorneyGeneral (2007-2011). As a strong community advocate, she isactively involved in mentorship programs for youth and women.Anecita has worked extensively with non-profits before joiningstate government. She has mentored youth in film and mediathrough the non-profit On Native Ground, in which she was anearly founder and co-producer in content creation, youthdevelopment, and environmental and social justice films. She isalso the co-founder of GOAT- Golfer of All Tribes, a non-profitthat develops golf skills for youth and women and is a golftournament facilitator, supporting Tribal businesses throughoutthe Indian Country
Dr. Adrian Hightower

Dr. Adrian Hightower

Sustainability and Resilience Manager, The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Read more about Dr. Adrian

Dr. Hightower is an experienced manager, educator andconsultant with depth of knowledge in organizational changemanagement and technical expertise in renewable energy andsustainable water treatment. Currently, Dr. Hightower is theMetropolitan Water District of Southern California’sSustainability and Resilience Manager working on anaggressive agenda to reduce the water industry’s carbonfootprint as well as strengthen its resiliency to climate change.Metropolitan’s Sustainability, Resilience, and Innovation Officeis working across the organization to develop strategies,programs and policies to address many environmental concernsincluding energy use, conservation, pollution, environmentaljustice, and climate resilience. Dr. Hightower supports hisorganization’s adoption of Envision Sustainable InfrastructureStandards and renewable energy investments to complementthe adopted Climate Action Plan as well as supportMetropolitan’s emergency operations programs. Dr. Hightowerleads the development of Metropolitan’s Environmental Socialand Governance (ESG) reporting program, EnvironmentalJustice Policy and our Climate Vulnerability Risk Assessments.He enjoys consulting as a licensed engineer and certified sustainability professional with innovative teams in the energystorage, electric vehicle infrastructure, microgrid and powerutility industries. Dr. Hightower has published numerous papersin these fields, holds several patents, and has been an invitedspeaker at national and international conferences and receivedhis B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. is from the California Institute ofTechnology.

Vanessa Velasco

Vanessa Velasco

Senior Environmental Scientist, California Department of Water Resources

Read more about Vanessa

Vanessa Velasco is a passionate Environmentalist working as asenior environmental scientist in the Climate Change Programat the California Department of Water Resources. She assistslocal water managers in the southern region of California withclimate change planning and supports the department’s climateresiliency efforts. She earned a bachelor’s degree inenvironmental biology from California State University,Northridge, and a master’s degree in environmental sciencefrom Loyola Marymount.
Sally Flowers

Sally Flowers

Former Councilmember, City of Artesia, and UnTapped Graduate Class of 2018

Read more about Sally

Sally Flowers is a Former Councilmember of the City of Artesia.Ms. Flowers was first elected to the Artesia City Council inMarch 1997 and served as Mayor in 2000-2001, 2004,2008-2009, and 2013. She has volunteered with The Friends ofArtesia Library, The Artesia Chamber of Commerce, and servedas a member of the Latino Caucus for the League of CaliforniaCities. She has also served as a director on the Greater LosAngeles County Vector Control District, the Los Angeles CountySanitation District, and the Los Angeles County LibraryCommission, representing Los Angeles County Supervisor DonKnabe. She has also been appointed by former Governor GrayDavis to the California Board of Accountancy, served on theexecutive board of the California Contract Cities Association,and was elected as a regional director for the NationalAssociation of State Boards of Accountancy. Ms. Flowers wasthe owner/partner of a successful real estate company for fiveyears and has spent over 14 years as an office manager to thecontroller of a corporation and its affiliated companies. Thosebusinesses include four family entertainment centers, thelargest theme park in Arizona, a lighting manufacturingcompany, and a computer software company. Sally is agraduate of Cerritos College and Pepperdine University, whereshe earned a degree in Business Management.
Jonathan Parfrey

Jonathan Parfrey

Executive Director, Climate Resolve

Read more about Jonathan

Before founding Climate Resolve, Jonathan Parfrey served as acommissioner at the Los Angeles Department of Water andPower (2008-2013). Jonathan is a member of the LA28Olympics and Paralympic Games Sustainability Working Group.He is a founder and board member of CicLAvia, the popularstreet event, as well as a founder of the statewide Alliance ofRegional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation. He served asdirector of the GREEN LA Coalition (2007-2011) and as the LosAngeles director of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning organizationPhysicians for Social Responsibility (1994 to 2007). Prior tothat, Jonathan founded and directed the Orange CountyCatholic Worker (1987-1993). He was appointed to GovernorSchwarzenegger’s Environmental Policy Team in 2003.Jonathan received the Paul S. Delp Award for OutstandingService, Peace, and Social Justice (1992), was awarded aDurfee Foundation Fellowship (2002), a Stanton Fellowship(2010), and was appointed a Senior Fellow at the USC MarshallSchool of Business (2011). He is currently an advisory boardmember at the UCLA Center for Healthy Climate Solutions; afellow at the Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities; a memberof the State of California Climate Adaptation Technical AdvisoryCouncil (2016); a member of the steering committee for the USClimate and Health Alliance(2016); a member of the steeringcommittee of the Tiüac’a’ai Healthy Land Project of theFernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians; and an advisoryboard member at the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation. InApril 2016, he received the Los Angeles County Board ofSupervisors Chair’s Green Leadership Award. When he’s not atwork, Jonathan likes to hang out with his wife, Nancy L. Cohen,his four children, and four grandchildren, as well as going withfriends on epic hikes and bike rides.

Ryanna Fossum

Ryanna Fossum

Community Water Planner, Stantec and Former WELL Program Manager

Read more about Ryanna

Ryanna is a Community Water Planner who focuses onequitable watershed management and community-led planning.She has worked extensively in California on water education,engagement, and advocacy– facilitating collaboration acrosscommunity members, elected officials, and water professionals.She currently serves as a Regional Coordinator for the Safe,Clean Water Program in LA County and as the lead facilitator ofa working group of water agencies dedicated to recycled watercommunications. Ryanna supports clients with water resourcesplanning and governance, helping align water projects withcommunity needs and desires. Her previous work includespublic space planning in New York City, where she supportedpublic-private partnerships to sustain open space investment forcommunities that need it most.

Zoe Rodriguez del Rey

Zoe Rodriguez del Rey

Water Resources Manager, Coachella Valley

Read more about Zoe

Zoe Rodriguez del Rey (they/them) is the Water ResourcesManager at Coachella Valley Water District in southernCalifornia. In this role, they oversee the development ofbasin-wide water resources management plans and programsto sustainably manage groundwater resources while meetingthe growing water demands of the region and supportingexpanding services to underserved communities. Zoerepresents the District in regional efforts like the implementationof the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA),SGMA Tribal Workgroup, Integrated Regional WaterManagement (IRWM), Urban Water Management Planning(UWMP), and Salt and Nutrient Management Planning (SNMP).They have a master’s in environmental sciences andmanagement and over 18 years of experience in the private andpublic sector helping to manage surface and groundwaterresources. In their free time, Zoe likes to be outdoors,preferably close to or on a water body, and to spend quality timewith family and friends on the East coast and Pacific Northwest.